SUP Q&A Webinar

In November 2022 the Scottish Universities Press (SUP) will invite monograph proposals from academic staff at participating institutions. Join SUP for a special Q&A webinar where we will provide an update on the progress of SUP and allow time for staff at our member institutions to ask any questions they may have about the Press. Joining the SUP panel will be:

  • Hannah Whaley, Chair of the SUP Management Board and Assistant Director (Research and Resources), University of Dundee

  • Gillian Daly, SUP Project Manager and SCURL Executive Officer

  • Professor Morris Altman, Chair of the SUP Editorial Board and Dean of the University of Dundee School of Business

  • Professor David Lavallee, Vice-Chair of the SUP Editorial Board and Professor of Duty of Care in Sport, Abertay University

The Q&A session will be chaired by Dominique Walker, Publishing Officer for the Scottish Universities Press.

You can sign up to attend the webinar here.

Please note this session is aimed at staff at member institutions.

Please contact Dominique at if you have any issues with the form.


Scottish Universities Press Issues First Call for Proposals


SUP Opening for Monograph Proposals